Friday 6 March 2009


During our India trip, we took some time out (travelling around India does feel like a job sometimes!) to see some of Nepal. Poor, rugged, stunningly beautiful, Nepal has been one of my favourite spots ever. We spent time in the ancient capital of Kathmandu just soaking it all up. What a city! I can't think of any place like it. Tiny cobbled streets lead you to an ancient temple so crusted in incense that it's hard to make out at first. Pretty girls sway past in brightly coloured saris. Cows sit calmly ignoring the honking traffic as people surge past them without ruffling them in any way. All of this is watched over by huge mountains towering away in the distance, surrounding the city in a natural fortress.

We only spent about a month there. We didn't go on any hikes into the mountains (I stupidly only had sandals) but there's still so many things to see. It's a place where you can get a beer, sit by a lake and just take it easy. I loved it. Despite being poor, the people aren't as desperate as they are in India. I have no reasons as to why this can be. Naively, I thought it might be because of the natural beauty of the place. There was a lot more greenary than India, plus you are never really far away from the ever-present mountains. Who knows?

If I have time, I will go back for sure. Maybe this time climb a mountain or two? I'm counting the days!

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